Hearing Loss and Memory
Hearing loss makes it hard to connect with the world around you. While it often starts gradually, you may notice some of these common early signs: Family or friends have remarked on your hearing. It seems like people mumble a lot, or you need them to repeat themselves often. You have trouble following conversations in…
How to Handle the Holidays with Hearing Loss
The holidays are right around the corner and we’re all getting prepared for celebrations. That could mean putting together grocery lists, picking up presents at Austin Gift Company, or making travel plans to see loved ones. If you have hearing loss, you’ll likely need to do some extra preparation to reduce the stress that holiday…
RiverENT COVID-19 Update
Dear patients, friends and family, we are open with full services. Thank you for your patience during the pandemic. We are taking all the steps needed to protect you and our staff from exposure to COVID-19 including thorough cleaning of our exam rooms, waiting area and offices, wearing masks and limiting the amount of people…
Why Do I Need Voice Therapy?
If you have ever had a shoulder or knee injury, you are probably familiar with how important physical therapy is in treatment. Therapy can improve function, strengthen muscles, joints and ligaments and prevent further injuries. Physical therapist help runners go faster, help baseball players hit the ball farther, and help dancers leap higher. It should…
Untreated Hearing Loss and Dementia
We know active lifestyles, reading, and exercising can help combat dementia, but did you know that treating hearing loss with hearing aids can also help? Many recent studies have confirmed that age-related hearing loss is a biomarker for cognitive decline, in other words, hearing loss can adversely affect cognitive abilities. Luckily, this risk factor is modifiable, which…
River ENT Earns CT Accreditation by the IAC
Date: October 1, 2018Contact: Tamara Sloper (marketing@intersocietal.org) Approximately one in 10 Americans undergo a Computed Tomography (CT) scan each year in order to detect abnormalities, injuries or diseases. A highly regarded diagnostic imaging tool due to its ability to detect minute differences in tissue as well as its multiplanar reformatted imaging capabilities, CT is used…
The Aging Voice
“Once you turn 60, it all goes down from there,” one of my patients told me. She had always been healthy without any medical problems, an active senior who took care of her grandchildren during the day. It seemed almost overnight after turning 60, she inherited 3 medications for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and…
New Therapy For Sleep Apnea
Continuous positive airway pressure, otherwise known as CPAP, was always jokingly called “scuba gear” when I was in surgery training. It is a facial or nasal mask worn by patients to treat sleep apnea. Basically, pressured air keeps the airway open to prevent the throat from collapsing when sleeping. Most people find immediate relief of…
Getting a Good Night’s Sleep
Whomever coined the phrase, “sleep like a baby” obviously has never had a baby. If you have children you know that newborns often wake every 2 hours to feed and many infants require a lot of creative techniques from their sleep deprived parents to finally go down to sleep. So why is a good night’s…
Stop Cleaning Your Ears!
Did you know that ear wax in the ear (known in medical terms as cerumen) is actually healthy for you? Studies have shown that ear wax contains antibacterial properties as well as lubricants to protect the ear canal. Ear wax also contains probiotics, which are healthy bacteria and yeast that live in and on our…