Valentine’s Day is almost here, and while it’s a great time to express love for those close to you, why not take a moment to show yourself some love, too? One area that often gets overlooked is your hearing health. Whether you’re enjoying your favorite music or talking to your loved ones, your hearing connects you to the world. Let’s look at three simple, effective ways to show your hearing some love this Valentine’s Day.
1. Protect Your Ears from Loud Noise

Whether you’re rocking out at the Moody Center or turning up your favorite tunes on your headphones, listening to music is a fun way to spend your time—but it also comes with risks. An estimated 26 million adults between 20 and 69 have noise-related hearing loss. Luckily, noise exposure is one of the most preventable causes of hearing loss. Three ways you can protect your ears include:
- Use earplugs. Earplugs reduce the intensity of sound reaching your ears, minimizing the risk of damage. For everyday use, consider investing in sleek silicone earplugs that are discreet but effective. If you’re regularly exposed to loud environments—like musicians or construction workers—custom-fit earplugs may provide even better protection.
- Choose noise-canceling headphones. Opt for over-the-ear noise-canceling headphones over in-ear options. Noise-canceling technology blocks out distracting background noise, so you can enjoy your favorite tunes at lower volumes, reducing the strain on your hearing.
- Speak up at work. Employers are OSHA-mandated to implement a hearing conservation program when noise exposure is at or above 85 decibels averaged over eight hours—the threshold for noise-induced hearing loss. If your work does not offer noise protection, ask them directly to supply it.
2. Keep Your Ears Object-Free
We’ve all been tempted to reach for a cotton swab to clean our ears, but this common habit can do more harm than good. Cotton swabs can push earwax deeper into your ear canal, causing blockages and potentially damaging the delicate tissue. Over time, this can lead to muffled hearing or even permanent damage.
If you think earwax might be causing issues, it’s best to get a professional exam. One of our experts can conduct an ear exam and safely clear the blockage.
3. Schedule a Hearing Test
Just like other aspects of your health, your hearing deserves regular check-ups. Hearing tests help catch any early signs of damage before they turn into major problems. If it’s been a while since your last hearing exam, consider booking one this February to stay on top of your ear health.
This Valentine’s Day, treat yourself to the gift of better hearing health. Whether it’s protecting your ears from loud sounds, skipping the cotton swabs or scheduling a hearing test, these simple steps will help preserve your hearing. For more tips or to schedule an appointment, contact River ENT today.