Testing to Diagnose Balance Disorders
With such a wide range of hearing and balance disorders, many of which have similar symptoms, it’s important for your doctor to make an accurate diagnosis in order to come up with a successful treatment plan. Diagnostic testing plays an important role in determining the condition responsible for a patient’s suffering.
Types of Diagnostic Tests

There are a number of diagnostic tests available, ranging from X-rays and CT scans to more in-depth tests. Here are some tests your doctor may order to help diagnose your balance disorder:
- Acoustic Immittance Measures. These tests evaluate the eardrum and middle ear and are used to determine which part of the ear is affected by hearing loss and if you have eustachian tube dysfunction.
- Audiometry. This hearing exam measures your ability to hear different sounds, pitches and frequencies. It can determine the nature and extent of your hearing loss and whether you will benefit from hearing aids or surgery.
- Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR). This neurologic test provides information about the electrical activity in the auditory pathway between the inner ear and the brain, and measures a person’s hearing sensitivity.
- Electrocochleography. This test is used to determine whether there is excess fluid in the inner ear by measuring the electrical currents generated by sound stimulation, and can help with the diagnosis of Meniere’s disease and other balance and hearing disorders.
- Videonystagmography (VNG). This test measures eye movements in order to assess the functioning of the vestibular system, responsible for balance.
- Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE). This test measures the response of hair cells in the inner ear when stimulated, and can indicate the presence of a conductive or cochlear hearing loss.
- Posturography. This balance test measures the effectiveness of the somatosensory system, vestibular system, and vision to determine which area(s) to focus on when treating a balance disorder.
These diagnostic tests can help us diagnose and evaluate a variety of hearing and balance disorders.
Call River ENT at (512) 677-6368 for more information or to schedule an appointment.